“DPM” Liquid Samplers

DOPAK Sampling System to take representative samples of fluids with low vapour pressures at low process pressures.Purge options are available.

> Liquids at lower pressure
> Sampling with low vapour pressures
> Corrosive, hazardous liquids
> Viscous fluids, slurries
> Sampling from pipelines and tanks

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DPM (On/Off)

The ability to connect the liquid sampler close to the sample point ensures optimal retrieval of a representative liquid sample. The DPM type sampler in on/off configuration allows the product to flow directly into the sample bottle via an angled two-way valve at a recommended maximum operating pressure of 8 bar. This liquid sampler offers one-handle operation, providing safety for the operator and zero emission.”

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DPM (System Purge)

The ability to purge the sample point ensures optimal retrieval of a representative liquid sample. The DPM type sampler in system purge configuration allows the product to flow continuously through the three way valve ensuring a fresh sample at a recommended maximum operating pressure of 8 bar. This liquid sampler offers one-handle operation, providing safety for the operator and zero emission.”

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DPM (Back Purge)

The ability to back purge the sample point ensures optimal retrieval of a representative liquid sample. The DPM type sampler in back purge configuration allows a gas to purge the sampler prior to sampling ensuring a fresh sample at a recommended maximum operating pressure of 8 bar. This liquid sampler offers one-handle operation, providing safety for the operator and zero emission.

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DPM (Needle Purge)

The ability to purge the needle assembly ensures there is no residue or build up in the needle assembly after retrieval of a representative liquid sample. The unit offers the possibility to purge the bottle with an inert gas prior taking a sample. The DPM type sampler in needle purge configuration allows purging through the needle assembly at a recommended maximum operating pressure of 8 bar. This liquid sampler offers  one-handle operation, providing safety for the operator and zero emission.

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DPM (Back & Needle Purge)

The ability to back purge the sample point ensures optimal retrieval of a representative liquid sample. The needle purge ensures there is no residue or build up in the needle after sample retrieval. The DPM type sampler in back & needle purge configuration allows purge gas to flow through the sampler ensuring a fresh sample and finally to purge the needle assembly at a recommended maximum operating pressure of 8 bar. This liquid sampler offers one-handle operation, providing safety for the operator and zero emission.

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DPM (System and Needle Purge)

The ability to purge the sample point ensures optimal retrieval of a representative liquid sample. The DPM type sampler in system purge configuration allows product to flow continuously through the sampler ensuring a fresh sample and finally to purge the needle assembly continuously before and after sampling. Recommended maximum operating pressure is 8 bar. This liquid sampler offers one-handle operation, providing safety for the operator and zero emission.

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DPM (In Line, Needle Purge)

The ability to purge the needle assembly, both before and after sampling, ensures there is no residue build up in the needle assembly after retrieval of a representative liquid sample. The DPM type of sampler in an inline needle purge configuration allows product to flow directly into the sampler via an inline sample valve. Recommended maximum operating pressure is 8 bar. This liquid sampler offers one-handle operation, providing safety for the operator and zero emission.

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